In short, I have a wide list of accomplishments, but I am most proud of my drive and flexibility to make my many passions a sustaining career. It wasn’t easy giving up a salaried job of 10 years, great benefits and paid health insurance, but to follow my dreams, do things on my own terms and make things manifest, to weave the magic and live my life authentically – it was worth it. Years of hard work, determination and practice have led me to this point #careerartist. I currently reside in the Midwest, where I make magic and beautiful art daily.
Please consider subscribing to my Patreon where you will find instructional yoga and fusion dance videos, giveaways, live classes online, group discussions, in person outings, and much much more! Subscribe here for as little as 3$/mo.
Here’s What’s New…
IN PERSON CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS HAVE RETURNED TO THE ST. LOUIS AREA! Check out my monthly beginner fusion (belly) dance bootcamps the last Saturday of every month, unless noted otherwise. Paid Patreon subscribers get a discount on these two hour workshops that will teach you an array of basic moves to get you dancing and moving in ways you never thought possible. I’m also currently teaching two in person metal yoga sessions per month. Check out the Where To Find Me page for details on all in person happenings including classes, performances, expos and more! I’d love to see you there!
Running a membership sale on my patreon! Sign up for a year membership and get 16% off the yearly total! I have an amazing year in store for everyone including lots of online classes as well as in person offerings of user friendly hikes and graveyard crawls! Also check out this sweet new intro video that I hired my friend Kasper Bellydance to create for me! Plus you can try out the Patreon with a Free 7 Day Trial!