October came and went and now it’s November, fall is finally here, time for pumpkin pie and hitting the gym extra hard to negate those extra calories and increase those endorphins! Here’s what new with me right now…
Dancewise…I’m currently working on my solo for the next Urban Cabaret, which is a 90’s theme. It’s amazing that I can easily choreograph group routines or solos for others, but have a hell of a time sitting down and staying focused on choreographies for me. So most of the time, I end up loosely choreographing my solos. Whereas, I map out meeting points in my movement, like I want this move to go here at this point in the music and I fill in the few gaps with improv. Now, this only really works if you’re able to feel the music and know the music inside and out. Fortunately for me it does. And really, speaking of feeling the music, you should check out this amazing show at The Monocle on November 18th. I’m thrilled to share the stage with the passion on Los Flamencos as well as Korvina and Final Veil at Ole Habibi! A bellydance flamenco Fusion show.
The next thing I am working on is my syllabus for my upcoming workshops in Seattle/Tacoma areas this January! I’m really excited about teaching some dark veil and veil choreography and some new dark fusion moves and combos. I’m really excited about breaking out an awesome routine I only got to do once for their Horrific show also that weekend (plus I’m also vending). I’m also thankful to Tacoma Bellydance for having me out!
I just had an amazing shoot in a rustic location 2 weeks ago with the talented Carrie Meyer of The Dancers Eye.
It’s always a bit chaotic for me to get ready for a shoot because I have a vision and throwing together a costume fro me is simply not enough. I worked down tot he wire to get my bra, headress and all the details in place. Thank goodness for friends like Shazza Dazzla, who took a sketch of the skirt and was able to turn it into reality and not only that but she helped out on the shoot itself, alot. I owe that woman everything. She really is my sister wife.

Sneak peek from my shoot with Carrie. Headress and necklace by me, skirt by Shazza Dazzla.
Producer me is working hard to promote Urban Cabaret. Urban Cabaret started in early 2010 and has now grown into what it is today. I am thankful for my ever talented cast of rotating and regular dancers of all levels from student to pro to bring you the best possible show. Also, I’m in the process of promotions for my 2nd year in the running, craft (anti craft) show Something Crafty This Way Comes. There will be around 30 vendors, family friendly entertainment, delicious food for purchase at Capitalist Pig all in an overall fun atmosphere. Hoping to make it even bigger next year with more vendors!
How do I keep it all organized? LISTS, LIST and more LISTS! No joke. So many notebooks. No joke.
Visual artist me is working on new paintings always maybe not for a particular show but because painting is therapy. I’m going to continue with my skull-moth series and expand the ones I like best into prints and notecards. I have two weekends in a row in November of artshows that I have different paintings in including Dia De Los Muertos at the History Museum this weekend and Poptropolis next weekend at Koken! I’m steadily working on the sketch prototype for my 2017 Krampus block print with a new design for debut at Something Crafty This Way Comes

Krampus 2017 WIP
Metalsmithing class is going amazing as expected. I got through my first class project with an A (it was the headdress I wore in my shoot a couple weeks ago). I’m learning soldering now and my next big project is to make a bezel pendant. This could be a game changer for Amorticious product line, but Rome was not built in a day and neither was my company! It’s taken 9 years to get here and I’m not stopping anytime soon.
Teacher me has added on another yoga class at the studio once a month. Metal Rage Yoga Home Edition Ver 2.0, just 10$. It starts in November. I’ll still have my monthly Metal Flow class at the Crack Fox and of course Cats n Mats at Tenth Life and the weekly C/O Yoga classes.
Personally, I am trying to keep active. With the winter months, all I want to do is hide away and sleep and hermit in the studio doing nothing but painting and creative projects. I am lucky to have such a lovely set of friends to keep me social and a fantastic artner who supports my crazy ideas. I’ve met a lot of new and exciting people this year and have worked hard to get my name out there in some new circles.
I find it hard to wear so many hats and am currently seeking someone who can help me figure it all out (a business coach?). 2018 will continue the changes. After all the only thing that’s constant is change. I’m hoping to move in 2018 and travel more. I’m trying to worry less and just be in the moment more. I’m carving out more time for just me and less time for things or people who take and don’t give. I’m spending more time being with and doing who and what I care about most. And always learning in the process, because after all, life is a process and a journey.
I am thankful for reconnecting with some of my blood family this year. It has been insightful, wonderful and a true blessing to say the least.
So, closing up here’s a throwback from last year’s November Urban Cabaret. Enjoy and hope to see you at the show. Feel free to purchase tickets here.
Ami Amore from Michael Pearce on Vimeo.