2017 came and left.
I spent New Year’s with friends, drank one to many cosmos and kissed 2017 (and probably a bunch of people, LOL) goodbye! It was a hell of a year. In my personal life, it was bittersweet with some family illness with my mom and aunt and the death of my grandma, a women in which we never really knew each other. Somehow good things always come and I got a lot closer to another aunt, whom I love dearly and we rekindled our relationship and it’s wonderful. i am thankful for her every day.

Happy New Year from Little Booboo
2017 was a lot about reconnecting and spending time with my girlfriends and reclaiming my power as a woman and individual. This past year challenged me to be more assertive to men, stand up for myself, let go of negativity and toxicity and become more aware of public issues. I even started listening to podcasts, even political ones (for those who have known me for years, yes, I know it’s a surprise) . I found out how good it feels to be assertive, how good it feels when you lift heavy burden of those people or situations that drag you down. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone personally, spiritually and professionally and I feel a better person for it.
I accomplished so much in 2017 professionally. I’m not sure where to even begin. Not only did JT (RobotsDestroy) and I put together our Hand of Fate Art Show in July, we actually sold a bunch of art! I finished more paintings in 2017 than I have ever done, a total of 16 paintings. I picked up my block printing skills again and managed two block prints before years end. I learned electroforming and started taking metal smithing at my local community college.
I learned a lot about vending in 2017, I made much more money doing shows where the fee was lower than the high profile (read high-priced) vending events. My favorite events of 2017 were Pagan Picnic in Tower Grove Park, Wolf Fest, Witches Night Out StL and of course my show, Something Crafty This Way Comes (2nd year in the running!). I got turned down for a a few art and vending shows and got accepted into a bunch of shows, everything happens for a reason.
I also got out there and met a great set of local artists whom I have quickly become friends with! For example, check out my buddies, Nelson Perez and Adam Cook .
I also taught bellydance at Dianna Lucas’s Womens Weekends, it’s a wonderful experience to teach there and a wonderful way to care for myself. The whole weekend I felt loved and taken care of in every aspect. I took Qoya, Nia, did a lot of yoga and self reflection and danced around a campfire in my poop emoji onesie – good times!
I also started Metal Yoga classes here in St Louis once a month at the Crack Fox downtown. We do cool shit like chant fuck and scream and listen to really loud music! It’s usually the second or third Monday of the month and just 10$.
Speaking of which, I just finished an awesome conceptual yoga shoot with my dear friend, Anthony Sapone and here’s a sneak peek:

Photo by Anthony Sapone
I must be eager for 2018 because I haven’t once wrote 2017 on anything I have had to sign (and I’ve actually had a bunch of paperwork this week believe it or not).
Great things are already happening in 2018! Like I got hired to teach at Tribal Revolution in Chicago area! This was definitely one on my bucket list and what I had all but given up hope. Then, out of the blue (Blue Lotus Tribe as it were), they invited me to come and teach! Excited?! JUST A BIT!!!! Can you tell?!?!!! I’ll be teaching Metal Rage Yoga and Creative Dancer’s Toolkit and you can sign up here starting February 1st.
I have applied to some festivals, some vending things and art shows, so we shall see if I make the cut or not.
I have a full load of classes to teach and upcoming exciting choreographies and shows! Work on some new material for my Van Ella Studios Amoreography students in February as her showcase will be March 2nd. Also, I just finished choreographing a new double sword routine for Aalim’s Night at the Casbah on March 3rd Plus new choreography for AA Bellymancers, Mosaic Fusion and ERBD for Ami Amore’s Urban Cabaret on April 6th.
My ladies of ERBD are teaching a new session of the basics on Monday Nights and little Amaiyah of ERBD is teaching a daytime Rise n Shimmy class here at the studio.

Me and Deja hanging out at Tenth Life

Turk at Tenth Life

One of our lovely yogis enjoying a massage from a Tenth Life Cat
I volunteered today at Tenth Life Cat Shelter, for the first time just going to help out and not teach a class, that’s where I met this cutie named Deja and boy did I want to take her home! I’m still teaching Cats N Mats starting February it will be the first Thursday of the month and just 15$ – 10$ goes to the shelter and 5$ to me.
Later this month, I will be once again traveling to Seattle to teach and perform in Tacoma Bellydance’s Horrific 3!
I’ve been working real hard on getting my Patreon up and running. I have a few more things to do then I think it will be okay to launch before the end of January! It’s going to have yoga and bellydance instructionals, plus glimpses into my daily life, special incentives and contests for supporters.
I’m also working on a new logo. I love my current logos, but since I am a visual artist, I feel it’s time I designed my own. I registered and paid out of pocket for another semester of metalsmithing and a torch, shit just got real and now I’m committed.
Also my I finally got my Yoga Trapeze that I have been wanting for so long.
I have an upcoming series of Pop Ups at Lucky Cat Tattoo including the LoveCats VDay Pop up on Feb. 11th 12-3pm
In 2018, I’m looking to change my residence, possibly move my studio, travel more and gain a deeper understanding of myself and try new things with my art. I’ve already planned out my show schedule for the year, updated my class policies and rates and am planning out Something Crafty This Way Comes III!
So please stay tuned…