January came and went and now February is in full swing. March will be here before I knw it and soon thereafter, Spring.
Winter is a time for reflection, rest, internal growth and development and often for many, a time of depression. Keep your loved ones close and your bed closer or something like that. For me it has been a time of internal reflection and growth staying connected with my friends and family, making new friends and sewing the seeds for future projects. While I am paring down my teaching schedule to make way for more metalsmithing and painting. I have decided to not take on any more gigs in 2018 unless it’s something I “will regret passing up”. I’m committed to the gigs I’m already booked for but that’s it. See below for my upcoming schedule.
January was a cold month filled with wonderful things. After taking some time off from work to work (yep, I did that…), I got back into full swing teaching dance classes. I have some exciting new choreographies in the works and I’m feeling more inspired and creative than ever. I went to the Burns dinner with my dear friend, Christine, then I somehow made my way to celebrate the bday of another dear friend, Stacey. I am blessed and thankful to have these women in my life.
I took a trip to Tacoma to teach workshops for Kat Ross’s Tacoma Belly Dance . I was honored to be a featured dancer (as Predator) in her amazing production Horrific. It was such a well organized show in an enormous, lovely theater (The Rialto) with over 400 people in attendance! Kat did such a wonderful job organizing ad orchestrating this, I left the weekend feeling inspired, thankful and happy. Thank you Kat.

Drumroll Studios

“fish n chips” and Bingo @ The Highline

Look at the that damn bird photobomb!

Celeste, Tempest and I
I had a day of the great outdoors with my dear friend, Chelsea. We hiked to the top of Tiger Mountain in Seattle. It was cold and rainy and I had not hiked in 4 months!!! I am proud of my 43 year old body for doing it! Later that same day i got to visit with my old friends Tempest and Celeste and catch up with them a bit, then I randomly stopped into a place called the Highline and had a delicious vegan “fish n chips” and maybe 2 beers and maybe I played the big gay bingo there. They soon did not forget St. Louis! The trip was one of the best experiences and it really only whet my appetite for traveling even more. My wanderlust is strong right now.
The week after found me back to teaching my regular schedule and furiously working on costuming for Naughti Gras at Koken Art Factory. Naughti Gras was two nights of full-tilt entertainment, people-watching, erotic themed art and sensuality. It was two nights of walking in stilettos in my Baphomet costume, carrying a 40 pound snake and a 10 pound headdress and being ON. I had a great time as usual. I am very thankful for three of my dancers (Amaiyah, Aaron and Alena Volta) for coming out and helping me with my act. My act was my depiction of the Tarot Card, The Devil and how we are a slave to our own bondage. In the act, I had fire, the Lovers and of course, Little Booboo. I hope I can do that one again for something else I have in the works for future.
Last Thursday, I finally finished my last semester’s metalsmithing project. I’m so glad I finally got that done!
This past weekend was also full speed ahead with a casual performance and mini lesson at Sincerly the Craft in Belleville, a short time to catch up with friends, many practices and privates, time with JT, yoga classes and a successful pop up shop at Lucky Cat Tattoo.
This week finds me cleaning up my living space, starting a new painting, and preparing for this weekends show Hard Raks Cafe at the Monocle! I always love seeing newbies and experienced bellydancers alike perform and I love hosting! It’s an early show just 5$ and will probably sell out.
Next weekend finds me at the wedding of a dear friend and finishing up the Amoreography class at Van Ella Studios and the weekend after is Lola’s Student Showcase and Aalim’s Night at the Cashbah.
Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming this amazingly crazy and beautiful life I have created for myself, It’s important for me to stop and take a deep breath and take some time for myself to recharge and nourish.
Upcoming performances:
2/17 Hard Rasks Cafe at the Monocle 4:30pm
3/2 Van Ella Student Showcase at 2720 9pm
3/3 Aalim’s Night at the Casbah at American Legion Goff Moll Post 8pm
4/6 Urban Cabaret at Mad Art Gallery
5/5 Gateway Mens Chorus Fundraiser at Mad Art Gallery
5/12 Hard Raks Cafe at the Monocle
5/19 4 Hands Lupulin Carnival 2018 at union Station
6/2 Pagan Picnic at Tower Grove Park
6/29 Tribal Revolution in Chicago at The Westin Chicago
7/13 Left Hand Path Consortium at Lemp Mansion
7/14 Hard Raks Cafe – Punk A Rock A Belly – An all punk, rockabilly, old school rock n roll show at The Monocle
8/17 Raks Snarky – Tales from the Dorkside V – A Best of Show….
10/19 The Glint in Chicago
11/9 Urban Cabaret presents Night of the Shimmying Dead