Like every year, 2018 was a year of change, learning, growing and expanding my mind and spiritual awareness. It was also a year for many changes with my career. I feel immense gratitude for everything that happened in 2018 be it great or the not so great. That which challenges only serves for the higher purpose of making me stronger and more aware.

In 2018, I cut down on social media time by almost 50%, I didn’t say I didn’t post, I’m just saying I didn’t go through the feed which sometimes is a real downer and energy draining. I feel if people spent more time connecting face to face and less time on social media the world would be a better place, but gotta feed the monster 😉 (that’s another story for another time). I cut out draining forces from my life and instead, I reconnected with family and friends, I made new like-minded friends and connections. I also reconnected with and my spiritual roots and let intuition take over, I began listening to my gut and letting go of fear and expectation. Fear only serves to hold us back and let us get in our own way. Expectation only serves to create disappointment. I throw caution to the wind, I take my time and I find that I am open to the possibilities the Universe has to offer. Most importantly I came to the realization that anything is possible, but you have to believe, without any doubt in your deepest well of knowledge that that which you wish to manifest (say that 3 x fast!) will come to fruition when the time is right.
Seems as if timing is everything and it is. I lay groundwork and foundation for my deepest desires sometimes many years before they manifest, sometimes many years before I even know what my desires are. The Universe foreshadows events in our lives and it is up to us to heed the signs and follow our calling. For years, try almost a decade now I have desired to make videos with my knowledge to share with those who want an authentic and honest experience with someone who has extensive knowledge in what I’m teaching, yet is humble, has a good sense of humor and always open to expanding their own knowledge. The timing was never right, but in reality I just wasn’t ready.
Okay by this time you might be thinking what’s with the hokey pokey spiritual talk, Ami? Or maybe you are right on my wavelength here. Anyway, let me get back to where I was or better yet, here’s where I am going…
It’s 2019 lovefuckers! Don’t wait another minute to put your intentions into a forward motion, don’t be a victim of your own circumstance. Embrace your fears, embrace your weakness and meet them head on. The power is in YOU. Don’t make a resolution, start a revolution and continue on your personal evolution!
Speaking of getting the ball rolling…
Today, I am thrilled to finally make one of my dreams become a reality in the form of launching my Patreon! My Patreon has it all from dance and yoga videos (I promise they will get better and more in depth the more I do them) to giveaways, private lessons, behind the scenes footage, special parties/events for patrons, gifts and much more! Just as life is ever changing, I expect my Patreon will be ever changing.
For my dance and yoga students this will be an affordable way to practice with me outside of class starting with full practices and tutorials at just 10$/month for full access. I’m hoping to get as comfortable in front of the camera as possible so it will be just like taking a class with me and not a fixed environment. I have to admit these first couple videos, I was hella nervous. For a few really dedicated pupils, I offer a membership level that includes one private lesson per month here at my studio or online via skype.
For my friends and fans who don’t care about yoga or bellydance, there will be incentives and videos for you too, in the form of behind the scenes videos, special invites to exclusive events, giveaways, gifts, cooking and baking with Ami, walks with Little Booboo and guest appearances by other personas that inhabit my body. And who knows what else I will come up with, my creativity truly knows no bounds.
I’d like to take a moment and express my undying gratitude to Anthony Sapone for teaching me how to set everything up all by myself to shoot these videos and edit them as professionally as possible.
I hope you’ll consider joining me for what could be something great. Oh yeah….This is the part where I remind you, the reader, that if you want to support me or if you want to take online classes with me, click here.
So now that I have my big ass announcement for 2019 and all the philosophical jargon out of the way.
Here’s things coming up for January/February 2019:
January 6th – Normal class schedule resumes for all weekly classes.Sign up for clothing optional yoga classes here. Sign up for Bellydance or metal rage yoga here.
January 9th – Cats n Mats Yoga at Tenth Life, 6pm 15$ pay online
January 20th – Ami Amore’s Bellydance Bootcamp – SOLD OUT! Next one in March so stay tuned!
January 26th – Performing in Chicago at Winterlux
February 9th – Eat Your Heart Out VDay Pop Shop at Amorticious Studio
March 2nd – Hard Raks Cafe’ at The Monocle